MATH 110 College Algebra
This course includes the following topics: polynomial, rational, logarithmic,
and exponential functions; inequalities; systems of equations and inequalities;
matrices; determinants;
simple linear programming; solutions of higher degree polynomials; combinatorial
algebra, including
the binomial theorem; and an introduction to probability.
A minimum math score of 47 on ASSET or 71 on COMPASS or a grade of “C” or
better in MAT 100.
Beecher, Penna, & Bittinger. College Algebra, 3rd Edition with MyMathLab
Access Kit. Addison‐Wesley, 2008. ISBN: 0321521706 or 978‐0321521705.
Calculator, TI83 or TI83 Plus graphing calculator preferred
The syllabus is an outline of the course material, does
not constitute a contract and is subject to change
with adequate notice.
‘This class is being taught in a distance learning format. Images and word of class participants may be transmitted live or on a delayed basis to other locations. Classes may be rebroadcast due to extenuating circumstance.”
To ensure successful completion of your online course, you
should have an appropriately equipped computer. Use the
guidelines included on the TCL website.
Students are responsible for the legal use of computer
software and applicable copyright laws and
are prohibited from copying software on College computers and from installing
personal software.
The Technical College of the Lowcountry provides access, equal opportunity and reasonable accommodation in its services, programs, activities, education and employment for individuals with disabilities. To request disability accommodation, contact the counselor for students with disabilities at (843) 5258228 during the first ten business days of the academic term.
The major focus of the QEP is the development of a
comprehensive assessment program to measure how
well associate degree graduates have mastered the competencies specified as
Institutional Competencies.
The QEP will phase in an assessment process to measure skill levels in
reading/writing, fundamental
mathematics, basic use of computers, and oral communication. A combination of
assessments is used to
provide solid information based on multiple data sources. Results of the QEP
will aid in the development
and refinement of the College’s curriculum.
Upon satisfactory completion of this course, students
should be able to perform the following tasks:
1. Solve and graph first‐degree equations and inequalities.
2. Identify and graph relations and functions, including conic sections
3. Operate with and graph polynomial and rational functions
4. Use logarithms and exponential functions
5. Solve systems of simultaneous equations & inequalities
6. Use matrices and determinants to solve systems of equations
7. Apply the binomial theorem
9. Apply simple probability
1. Review Linear Equations And Inequalities, Include
Absolute Value
2. Rational Exponents And Radicals
3. Quadratic Equations And Inequalities
4. Systems Of Equations Including Cramer’s Rule
5. Functions And Relations
6. Conic Sections
7. Exponential And Logarithmic Functions
8. Binomial Theorem
9. Probability
• For traditional sections, the lecture method is used to
explain new materials and answer
questions on previous assignments. Any remaining class time is used for students
to work on
assignments in groups and under close supervision of instructor. The student is
expected to
complete each assignment. For non‐traditional sections, see the course
• All cell phones and pagers must be turned off during class.
ATTENDANCE (Arts and Sciences Division):
• The Technical College of the Lowcountry expects that
students will attend all scheduled
instructional classes and laboratory periods. Students are expected to be in
class on time and attend
a minimum of ninety (90) percent of the total class hours or laboratory periods
for each course in
order to receive a passing grade. Students are responsible for making‐up the
work missed during
any absence.
• In the event it becomes necessary for you to withdraw
from the course OR if you stop attending
class, it is your responsibility to initiate and complete the necessary
paperwork. Failure to
complete and file the necessary paperwork with the Student Records Office may
result in a grade
of “F” for the course.
• During the fall/spring regular terms, when a student is
absent from class four or more times for
classes meeting twice weekly (two or more times for classes meeting once
• OR for fall/spring/summer eight‐week classes, when a
student is absent from class two or more
times for classes meeting twice weekly (one class for classes meeting once
weekly), then
the student is in violation of the attendance policy. The instructor MAY
o drop the student from the class with a grade of
"W" if the student is making satisfactory progress, or
o drop the student from the class with a grade of "WF" if the student is
making unsatisfactory progress or
o under extenuating circumstances, and at the discretion of the faculty
member teaching the class, allow the student to continue in the class and
make‐up the work.
• Absences are counted from the first day of class. There
are no "excused" absences; all absences
are counted, regardless of the reason for the absence.
• Students are expected to be in class on time. Arrival to
class after the scheduled start time or
leaving class prior to dismissal counts as a tardy. Three tardies and/or early
departures are
considered as one absence.
• It is the student's responsibility to sign the
roll/verify attendance with instructor upon entering
the classroom. Failure to sign the roll/verify attendance results in a recorded
absence. In the
event you are tardy, it is your responsibility to insure that you are marked
present. You are
responsible for all material/ announcements presented, whether you are
present or absent.
(WITHDRAWAL) is on file in the Division Office and in the Learning Resources
Instructors will generally respond to voice mail messages
and e‐mail messages within three college
class days. If there is a problem, the student should remember that a
face‐to‐face meeting with the
instructor is best. Student should contact instructor to make an appointment.
• Contact information for on‐line instructors is listed at
VII Class Information on the course
• The student is responsible for making sure that the instructor and the College
has his/her
current contact information, including telephone number(s) and e‐mail address.
Voice Messages:
• Instructors' telephone numbers and the Division
Administrative Assistant's telephone number
are listed at VII Class Information on the course syllabus.
• When leaving a voice mail message for the instructor, the student should speak
slowly and
clearly. He/she should leave accurate information including accurate telephone
where you may be reached. It is helpful to repeat the telephone number at the
very end of the
voice message.
• The Division Administrative Assistant is available on class days from
8:00‐4:30 pm. A message
left with the Administrative Assistant will be received by the instructor when
he/she checks the
mailbox. The most efficient way to get a voice mail message to an instructor is
to leave a
voicemail at the instructor's contact number listed at VII Class Information on
the course
• If there is a need to contact an adjunct instructor, call the Division Office
843‐525‐8281 from
8:00‐4:30 pm. The Administrative Assistant will place a note in the instructor's
mailbox. A
message left with the Administrative Assistant will be received by the
instructor when he/she
checks the mailbox.
• The instructor's e‐mail address is listed at VII Class
Information on the course syllabus.
• When e‐mailing the instructor, the student should identify herself/himself in
the body of the
message. Identifying information should include name, course, and section in
which the student
is enrolled, and a telephone number where he/she may be reached. With the tools
provided by
the browser, it might be helpful to create a "signature" with this information
for all e‐mails.
• E‐mails to adjunct instructors should be addressed to the instructor and sent
to the Division
Administrative Assistant . A copy will be made and placed in the adjunct
instructor's mailbox and forwarded to the adjunct instructor.
V. ACADEMIC HONESTY POLICY (Arts and Sciences Division):
ACADEMIC HONESTY POLICY (Arts and Sciences Division):
Academic dishonesty at TCL will not be tolerated. The College expects all
students to conduct
themselves with dignity and to maintain high standards of responsible
citizenship. If determined by the
instructor that cheating or any other academic dishonesty in any part (project,
paper, quiz, test, exam,
assignment, etc.) of the course has occurred, the student(s) will normally
receive a grade of 0 for that
part of the course and may be subject to further disciplinary action. A
subsequent incidence of
academic dishonesty may result in a grade of “F” for the course and/or other
disciplinary actions.
The College adheres to the Student Code for the South
Carolina Technical College System. Copies of the
Student Code and Grievance Procedure are provided in the TCL Student Handbook,
the Division Office,
and the Learning Resources Center.
• Your final grade will be obtained from the average of
your homework/daily grades, unit tests,
and the final examination. (See Attachment for details)
• Tests will be administered at the end of each unit of study.
Homework/assignments not
submitted on time will be given a grade of 0. It is the student’s
responsibility, in case of absence,
to contact the instructor for notification of assignment changes and
arrangements to take a
make‐up test.
• The grading scale is as follows:
90 – 100 = A
80 – 89 = B
70 – 79 = C
60 – 69 = D
Below 60 = F