My twins needed help with algebra equations, but I did not have the knowledge to help them. Rather then spending a lot of money on a math tutor, I found a program that does the same thing. My twins are no longer struggling with math. Thank you for creating a product that helps so many people.
It is more intuitive. And it even 'took' my negative scientific annotations and showed me how to simplify! Thanks!!!
I never used to take interest in math and always found algebra boring. Time has changed since I bought this software. My concepts are very clear and I love the step-by-step approach.
Quadratic equations were really giving me a hard time. Then I got Algebra Professor, and it helped me not only with quadratic but also with pretty much any equation or expression I could think of! Students struggling with all kinds of algebra problems find out that our software is a life-saver. Here are the search phrases that today's searchers used to find our site. Can you find yours among them? Search phrases used on 2009-07-22: