I am still learning how to use it, but what I have learned is a great. Thanks!
One of my students brought in a program called Algebra Professor. At first I thought it would be a great tool to help all my students who were struggling. When I researched further, I figured out that it also helps me prepare a lesson in half the time.
Thank you for the responses. You actually make learning Algebra sort of fun.
Math has never been easy for me to grasp but this program makes it easy to understand. Thanks!
I usually don't send in a testimonial like this but I really had to say Algebra Professor took the edge off my math problems. Thanks a bunch. Students struggling with all kinds of algebra problems find out that our software is a life-saver. Here are the search phrases that today's searchers used to find our site. Can you find yours among them? Search phrases used on 2009-06-29: