WOW!!! This is AWESOME!! Love the updated version, it makes things go SMOOTH!!!
The best part of The Algebra Professor is its approach to mathematics. Not only it guides you on the solution but also tells you how to reach that solution.
I recommend this program to every student that comes in my class. Since I started this, I have noticed a dramatic improvement.
Vow! What a teacher! Thanks for making Algebra easy! The software provides amazing ways to deal with complex problems. Anyone caught up there and finds it hard to solve out must buy a copy. Youll get a great tool at a reasonable price.
What I like about this software is the simple way of explaning which anybody can understand. And, by 'anybody, I really mean it. Students struggling with all kinds of algebra problems find out that our software is a life-saver. Here are the search phrases that today's searchers used to find our site. Can you find yours among them? Search phrases used on 2011-07-30: