It appears you have improved upon an already good program. Again my thanks, and congrats.
This is the best software I have come across in the education field.
I bought Algebra Professor last year, and now its helping me with my 9th Grade Algebra class, I really like the step by step solving of equations, it's just GREAT !
I got 95% on my college Algebra midterm which boosted my grade back up to an A. I was down to a C and worried when I found your software. I credit your program for most of what I learned. Thanks for the quick reply.
I bought Algebra Professor last year, and now its helping me with my 9th Grade Algebra class, I really like the step by step solving of equations, it's just GREAT ! Students struggling with all kinds of algebra problems find out that our software is a life-saver. Here are the search phrases that today's searchers used to find our site. Can you find yours among them? Search phrases used on 2011-02-02: