One of the best features of this program is the ability to see as many or as few steps in a problem as the child needs to get it. As a parent, I am delighted, because now there are no more late nights having to help the kids with their math for me.
Patricia, MI

OK here is what I like: much friendlier interface, coverage of functions, trig. better graphing, wizards. However, still no word problems, pre-calc, calc. (Please tell me that you are working on it - who is going to do my homework when I am past College Algebra?!?
Trevor Smith, OK

Its been a long time since I needed to understand algebra and when it came time to helping my son, I couldnt do it. Now, with your algebra software, we are both learning together.
R.B., Kentucky

The program has been very helpful.
Jon Maning, NM

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