Thanks to the creators of the software. The context sensitive help on any topic of algebra made me clear my basics of mathematics. A very very useful tool ..
Kelly Brown, NY

I was confused initially whether to buy this software or not. But in five days I am more than satisfied with the Algebra Professor. I was struggling with quadratic equations and inequalities. The logical and step-bystep approach to problem solving has been a boon to me and now I love to solve these equations.
Leslie Smith, MA

Your new release is so much more intuitive! You team was quick to respond. Great job! I will recommend the new version to other students.
Simon Charles, CA

The newest release of your software is tremendous. Besides the GUI I particularly liked the "wizards" that make entry of geometry type problems so much easier. I haven't yet used the more advanced features (function operations etc), but this will become handy once I get into College Algebra.
Billy Hafren, TX

Thank you very much for your help!!!!! The program works just as was stated. This program is a priceless tool and I feel that every student should own a copy. The price is incredible. Again, I appreciate all of your help.
J.S., Alabama

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